A popular watermelon with sweet, firm, bright-red flesh and great flavour. The fruit is round-oval in shape with a pale-green background and dark-green stripe. A vigorous vine producing numerous fruit, at maturity fruit are 7-11kg in size.
There are several key indicators that will give you a pretty good idea of ripeness.
- Ground Spot – The underside of the watermelon where the fruits rests on the ground is known as the “ground spot”. This spot should turn from a creamy/white colour to a nice buttery yellow when the melon is mature. The colour should be a deep yellow not a creamy yellow.
- Tendril – the tendril on the vine directly opposite where the fruit stem joins the vine is a good indicator of ripeness. If the tendril is green the melon is not ripe. If the tendril is withered, dried and brown the melon is mature.
Patches of webbing on fruit and a hollow sound when tapping fruit are thought by some to be other indicators of fruit ripenes
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